


Courage is not the non-existence of fear. It is you overcoming your fear in any situation.
To pursue a dream you need to be courageous, taking a risk for something good.

Fear is the factor that rob us all of our dream. The way to overcome this is courage. Having courage is being able to face that failure and the situation of getting hurt.

Fear can make one hopeless, helpless and even do things more wrongly. But note: the word fear only exist in the mind.


You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.

– Dale Carnegie


You being courageous can conquer all this by having the willingness to confront any danger ahead. Courage can make the difference between your circumstances and greatness.

Being realistic; there are no perfect moment, so don’t expect greatness while sitting on your butt waiting for the perfect opportunity before you act. Don’t hold your breath because It won’t happen.
You need to have the courage to take risks if you want to go anywhere in life.

People take risk everyday even mountain climbers risk it just to see how beautiful the view it from far. It is the same for us. We must be courageous and willing to risk it.

You grow through your experiences, it is mostly where you find the strength to move forward.

Do you & will you have the courage to live life to the full?

6 thoughts on “Courage!”

  1. To achieve our dream, we need to overcome our fear. We need to have the courage to face the challenges that may come our way. We need to have the courage to sacrifice something. Thanks for the motivation I got from your wonderful article.

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